Ensure Your EPUB Files Are Accessible to All Readers
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With Digita11y EPUB Scanner, you can quickly and easily check the accessibility status of your EPUB files at any point in the publishing workflow. Our automated tool makes it easy to identify accessibility issues and fix them, thus, ensuring that all readers can access your content.
How to Use Our EPUB Scanner?
Upload your EPUB file.

Click "Submit".

Receive a report on the accessibility status of your file.

Digita11y’s EPUB Scanner
- is compliant with current accessibility laws and regulations;
- scans your file swiftly and effectively;
- identifies accessibility issues and fixes them prior to publication; and
- ensures your file adheres to current accessibility standards.
Ensure your EPUB files are accessible to all readers by using our EPUB Scanner. Upload your file now, and start scanning.
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Our easy-to-read report highlights any accessibility issues and provides actionable steps to fix them, thus, ensuring that your EPUB files are accessible to all readers.
If you have any questions about our services or would like to request a quote, please contact us today. We look forward to helping you create a more accessible digital experience for your customers.